
Thursday, 17 March 2011

Into the Light - The Number 11

If you search the web, if you talk to people about it, you will find a commonality…no one is sure what it really means. There are some who have their theories, there are some who speak their theories as fact, and that’s fine. If these explanations are comforting and allow you to evolve as a spiritual being, then the message has been transmitted. The fact is, no one knows, just as no one really knows what will happen to you after death. This number 11 phenomenon is illogical and makes absolutely no sense to minds that have been educated by structured societal norms. I have seen highly intellectual individuals explain their theories and make connections regarding the number, and I have been impressed and baffled by the connections that can be drawn. The number is also very significant in numerology. But does any of that even matter?

The point is not to dwell on what it means; the point is not to emphasize every possible connection. We are all well aware that there are an enormous amount of conspiracy theories out there, and I hope that we can agree that many, if not all, are more distracting than they are constructive. If we dwell on hidden meanings and definitions, we will miss the message. I’ve said this before and will say it again, we need to stop paying attention to the messenger, and start being aware of the message itself…The fact that hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people are experiencing this phenomenon proves one very important truth that has been ignored for ages, Collective Consciousness…

Let me give you some background on my experience, maybe you can relate. And please, I urge you to tell me your experience, tell us all your experience. Why have you become aware? What has pushed you to question? What has given you the urge to introspect? Please, share. I believe our world is in a state where we all need to come together, it is extremely obvious that if we do not, we will not survive…share and unite.

I have always been open to new ideas, always asking questions, since I was a young boy, I have been searching. My awareness started at a very young age, though I was never able to explain it, I knew there was more than I could see with my two eyes, I knew there were questions that needed to be asked, I knew there would come a time when these questions would matter…I am sure many can relate to this.

Pic taken "by mistake" on my phone in 2010
I started my 11 awareness in early 2008. I started to notice the number everywhere, on digital clocks, dates, sums of numbers, addresses, everywhere. When I first became aware of this, I decided to look it up online. I typed it into a Google search, and found a couple of websites and blogs that mention a similar experience that I was having. I then found some forums where people discussed this phenomenon.

I gave up on my search because I realised that no one really knew what it meant, it was all just speculation. Some people were saying that it meant that you were being contacted by life forces from another realm, a message being sent to you from angels. Others simply said it was your subconscious mind wanting to see the number, and it just so happens to be the number 11. A psychological phenomenon, plausible, but I felt like there was more to it.

The thing about me is this; I have always considered myself to be a very logical thinker, and a sceptic sometimes too, my close friends and family can vouch for this. This phenomenon was not allowing my logical mind to think clearly of what it meant. This reoccurrence of the number over and over again had no logical explanation, so rather than ask and research more; I decided to let it go.

If this truly was a psychological phenomenon, something my brain wanted to see, wanted to notice, something my mind was creating, then I would assume that because of my “letting go” of the significance of this reoccurring number 11, it would have stopped. But on the contrary, the more I ignored the phenomenon, the more it showed up. Not only that, people around me started to admit to me that they were seeing it too. 11 and 1234.

After almost 2 full years of ignoring and pushing the phenomenon aside, I started to notice that these 11 sightings were accompanied by a certain awareness of my reality. The more often I noticed the numbers, the deeper my attention to detail became. The number appeared, and my awareness became deeper, my thoughts became lighter.

Allow yourself to walk out of the darkness and into the light..... 

Certain people came into my life during these times to solidify the experience, to elaborate on the meanings of this increased awareness. The amazing thing is that these messengers most probably didn’t even know that they were bringing me the greatest gift of all; they brought me closer to self awareness and self realization. The messenger that had the largest effect on me was born on the 11th

My life and who I am has always been changing and evolving, but the past 3 years have been flowing with much more ease than the previous 25. My past has been filled with experiences that very well could have led me on a different path, a path of destruction and ignorance; a path with no appreciation for the life that surrounds us, no notice of the light that lives within. The universe would not let this happen. I did not do anything specific to be aware. The spark that ignited this flame was not initiated by me; it was initiated by the universe. The synchronicity of events and experiences that have led me to this were set forth before I was born into this tangible reality. Every moment that is experienced has already happened. People will be stuck with pain and confusion when the experiences are avoided or controlled, when the person does not ascend into the flow, the person will suffer, and the worst type of suffering is the one that goes unnoticed.

I have suffered, but the feeling of this internal fire was always there, and as time passes, the awareness becomes stronger and stronger...I feel the universe and my ancestors calling for me to awaken, I feel the fire burning, I feel the light pushing me forward and raising me up. The flame that burns will continue to burn and will ignite the path into light, into an eternal lighted path, for all to walk on. If we can all understand that this realization is a collective realization, we can start to understand the interconnectedness, the oneness that has been lingering. It will bring us to answers that have been lost, answers that are within us, and answers that will only be unlocked when the realization of collective consciousness is activated.

Continue with your beliefs; no one can tell you to drop them. I am not a preacher, and this is not a sermon. I ask only one thing: think clearly, realize that we are all here together and nothing REAL separates us. Truth is not taught, truth is only REALized.

My only suggestion to everyone is to introspect, pray and meditate. And remember, meditating can be done in many different ways; cook, paint, compose music, listen to music, poetry, any form of art, activities like kayaking, jogging, walking, hiking, etc…the possibilities are endless, and the outcome is a bright Light that fills the darkness…

With Love


  1. You wrote: "The fact is, no one knows, just as no one really knows what will happen to you after death." How do you know ? It is so easy to make such a statement.

  2. It is easy for me to make such a statement because my reality is that I have never met or heard of anyone who absolutely knows what awaits after death. There is a difference between faith and absolute truth, is there not?

  3. The eternal ME, MYSELF and I... Death is an existence; death is not a state of non-existence; involves a change or separation. Thus spiritual death is dying in the sense of separation from God. Who is with God will never die.

  4. “Great men are not always wise”

  5. If what you say is absolute, this will simply mean that the majority of human beings walking the earth are already dead and have been since the creation of institutionalized religions, separation from God is preached on a daily basis. I have stated clearly my opinion that truth is within and not separate from us.

    It is interesting your belief in what death entails, but this is based on a belief, not fact. Your belief involves a non-separation from God, we are one, I agree. Your belief also suggests that those souls who do not have a belief in God will somehow cease to exist? I'm not sure I understand....

    If this belief brings you comfort in this life, then I commend you for reaching that comfort. Many do not even take the time to think about what will happen, most do not question existence, so again, I commend you for rationalizing such a deep subject.

  6. "Great men are not always wise". Agreed, it is unwise to call oneself great. A man who is seen as great through the eyes of others may be great, but wisdom is not judged and wise is not a given label, it cannot be measured. Who can recognize wisdom? Only a wise soul can recognize another wise soul...there is no use in labelling a person as such, your wisdom surely comes from experience, but there is also a form of wisdom that is implanted in every single living thing, some call it nature, some call it intuition, some call it wisdom...we all have it within us, our creator put it there, and our existence is molded around it...

    my intention is for you to recognize that internal wisdom, and to bring it to the front...allow it to flourish, allow it to flow with ease...

    "The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind."
    - Kahlil Gibran

  7. My number is 11 and my outer personality is 11 also... I just started working with my life lesson number 24\6... I ended up homeless from drugs and ended up in grouphomes from trying to explain things to social workers ... hahahahaha but have a year sober now and looking forward to serve my recovering family!!! The trouble I'm haveing right now is I feel very uncomfortable and nervous over sex?? I have been absent for 2 or 3 weeks and plan to stay abstenent for the time being!! I'm not confused personally!!! A lot of my praying and meditating has been alone??? In solitude...

    1. You are a beautiful soul full of love and full of light. You fell upon my post for a reason. Your experiences have lead you to where you are now. Your awareness is blooming, and that is something to be grateful for. There are no mistakes, only experiences that we learn and grow from.

      Society in general is very uncomfortable and nervous over towards sex. You are not alone in these feelings. Some feel this way because of a mistreatment in their pasts, or some feel this way because they were raised to supress feelings towards sex and sexuality. Most people shy repress their feelings and end up having major issues emotionally and physically because of the repression. My suggestion to you, accept it, do not question it, just accept it. Just be with it. Have respect for your self, have respect for your energy. Give wisely, and receive wisely. remember that you are powerful, you are beautiful and you are divine...Sex is divine in nature if practised with respect, humility and gratitude.

      Praying and meditating is solitude is what you may need right now. Any situation that you are in is necessary for your growth. As suggested, just be with it. Accept your feelings as they come. If you are sad, feel sad, but let go of the sadness and know that YOU ARE the only person responsible for how you feel. Do not get attached to feelings, just feel them, and move along.....

      I wish you nothing but Love and Light, I know that you will continue to flourish and you will spread your love and your light far and wide.

      With love

  8. it is now 3:33AM I just finished reading this. Just FYI that's all ;)

  9. oh by the time I was done typing it had changed oh well =/

    1. it was posted at 3:35.. 3+3+5 :p

    2. oh the beauty of mathematics and synchronicity :D

  10. it is now 3:33AM I just finished reading this. Just FYI that's all ;)

  11. I'm 24 and I m going through similar experience, my previous life is full of failures, regrets and wrong choices, I'm learning to let go and better myself, analyze my every failure and mistake and trying not to repeat them. My 11 phenomena started couple months ago. I was born in muslim household but never practiced Islam properly, about 2 months ago this one person came in my life and brought me close to God, we used to have discussions about spirituality and religion, she one day talked to me about the 'Sufism' sect of Islam and sent me numerous documentaries and writings on it and I'd watch them whenever I got chance to. That person is no longer in my life anymore but whatever, I know God has a plan for us. Even after when she gone I didn't stop the pursuit of knowledge on Islam and sufism, the more i dug deep into the knowledge of the Wali-Allahs more I felt the connection between something far way bigger than myself, I started spending time alone, thats when this phenomenon started. I still don't know what it means, but I do know that I have a bigger purpose to serve in this life. i hope you find your purpose, i'm on it as well.

    1. Religious practices can sometimes distract us from the true source of all of creation. People get caught up in the traditions and ignore the true essence of spirituality. We tend to lose sight of the truth about life...

      Our souls will be lead to the source when we are ready, God, or Source, or Great Spirit, whatever one wants to call it, does not force itself on creation, it hints its existence through people we meet, through nature, through synchronised moments and signs.

      You are being led, subtly, sometimes it is not subtle...the point is to follow your heart, follow your intuition. Feel rather than think..thinking too much gets in the way of feeling with your soul...follow the signs, do not ignore them, and your journey will be filled with great realizations and moments of pure clarity.

      I commend you for opening your heart to your growth.

      Love and light to you


  12. my past life, not previous life lol *

    1. hmmmmmm, what you wrote first is what you truly meant to say....and remember, there are no mistakes, only experiences to learn from...

  13. Far out, i see the number 11 legit everywhere! I have only started noticing it in the past couple of months and to be honest its freaking me out. i feel like everytime i see it, i feel sick to my gut.

    1. the sick to your gut it nervousness? anxiety? worry? I would suggest to really try to pay attention to what you are thinking or doing at the moment when you notice the synchronism of the event. It seems since I wrote this article (march 2011) more and more people are noticing the 11 phenomena..confirmation that this means a lot more than anyone is willing to admit...

  14. I've been noticing the number 11 since 1998 when I was.. 11 years old. Lots of horrible things happened in that year but not so much since then. I still see 11 on an every day basis at least 3-5 times a day. I still haven't learned what it means to me but I know it means something. I wish I knew. I don't know where to begin searching for an answer. It only just occurred to me as I was writing thus post that I was 11 years old in 1998. Now i thiink it runs deeper than I first thought.

    1. Kirst was all = 11 letters....

      You dont need to search really, I would suggest just paying attention as I've done and as I've suggested to everyone else, paying attention to your thoughts at the moment that you notice the 11...something is trying to get your attention...

  15. I have been seeing the number 11 for 7 years now, my daughter was born 10/11/11.I see it everywhere I go my husband thinks I'm Crazy or something is trying to tell me something I mostly see the time 9:11 even on off clocks broken clocks different time zones it was also the time my water broke I have just now started to see the combo 1234

    1. That is intense...Keep on flowing as you are flowing. You are not crazy and you know it. Having a heightened awareness is not a bad thing, and yes, something is trying to get your attention. Read the advice I've given others, pay close attention to what you are thinking or doing at the moment of these 11 viewings...

  16. I've been seeing 11:11 for the last 8 months. The more I noticed it the more nervous I got. 11 would be on a street sign, an address. I could be blind folded and point to the number. Eventually, I tried avoiding it. One morning I purposely walked away as soon as I had noticed 11:10 and much later I returned to my room to see 11:11 on my old alarm clock which I had never adjusted the time on. I have to mention that for the last 8 month my life turned upside down. I lost my job and am practically loosing my place as of now. The people in my life whom I trusted and loved, some way or another disappointed me (friends have turned their back on me in my moment of need, family have done the same) However, I have spent more time alone (yes,of course, worried about my outcome)but I feel more connected, more spiritual, more alert then I've been in years. Recently, I've been seeing the hours ie: 1:11, 2:11 sometime most of the day. As I am writing now, I heard a noise and my attention was drawn to the clock and it was 2:11. Now, I just say "Thank you!" when I see the number 11 since being afraid doesn't make it disappear. For the last 2 months 17 has been everywhere so, the saga continues....

    1. It is absolutely amazing how many people around the globe are experiencing this phenomena. And everyday that passes, more people are noticing it. The quickening...more and more people are waking up to their divine consciousness and the interconnectedness of the universe and all living entities...

      Gratitude, what a wonderful way to create positive intentions and manifestations...Even though your life seems to be falling apart, everything is actually falling exactly into place. Hang in there, all will be well in divine timing :)

      Love and Light


  17. After reading the posts, I'm glad to say that I don't feel crazy. I see the number 11 about 3-5 times everyday. I've seen this number on and off in my life and pay very close attention to the number now and what I'm thinking or doing at the time I see it. I'm going through great change in my life and it seems that whenever I do see the number I find great comfort in if a greater presence is looking in on me to let me know things will be ok. All I have to say to anyone out there who is also experiencing the same thing, is to not be afraid. Embrace the number when you see it and know that the path you are on is the right one - walk into the light and enjoy the ride! :)

    1. Hi! jst have to say that reading all of ur replys are both comforting and some funny...cuz I can relate! I've been seeing the #11 for 3 yrs now. I see it everywhere. Also see 11:11 alot. Or 111, jst recently on my grocery receipt. Total was 111.21. Whenever I see 11 I say thank you! And I try to remember to pay attention to my surrounding and my thoughts. For me I feel like its a reminder to think the past yrs since I started seeing 11, I went through changes of growth. I see things differently and think differently. Alot of growth came frm bad cicumstances that happened to me...but there has been good come frm those not so great cicumstances . Now my daughter sees 11 too!

    2. Beautiful :) thank you for sharing

  18. Okay ive been seeing 11:11 for years while I was with my ex husband every time I looked up it was 11:11....I left him and my life changed greatly and the numbers stopped untill yesterday. uncle died at 11:11 in the afternoon. ..ive been confused and weirded out since....its like the number came and smacked me upside my head and I cant recover

    1. I am so sorry I have not responded earlier.

      When you say your life changed greatly, do you mean this in a positive way? I ask this because the appearance of 11:11 for you (as it was for me) may be a sort of guide post. A way for you to wake up to something that your higher self (the universe/god/goddess) is trying to tell you.

      I am assuming you and your uncle were close? Did he have a message for you before he passed on? Confused and weirded out is not a totally bad thing, it seems that there is something that your higher self is again trying to tell you....

  19. hi my name is jay love williams and I too sharing this same exact story. Since 2008 I too have seen the numbers 111 n 1111 in all kinds of situations. A couple of months ago I decided to do my own research on what the meaning of the numbers were. As you stated all I can see was a bunch of speculation with a bit of evidence. The one thing that stood out in this article the one line that gave me the answer that my heart needed to hear was "My past has been filled with experiences that very well could have led me on a different path, a path of destruction and ignorance; a path with no appreciation for the life that surrounds us, no notice of the light that lives within. The universe would not let this happen. I did not do anything specific to be aware. The spark that ignited this flame was not initiated by me; it was initiated by the universe." That was it so just know whatever that number sequence represents its definitely POSITIVE! Gnite world n o yea here's the catch and the "coincidence" TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY lol yea that's right 111 so regardless of the fact I'm still gonna have to live with those numbers for the rest of my life 😊 #peace

    1. Jay Love, thank you for reading this, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. Your words have given me shivers and have driven me to continue to share my words with the world. I am grateful that something in this article has helped you come to a realization. Happy Belated birthday <3
