
Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Written Late 1996

We’ve conquered the earth since cells gave birth
We’ve explored the sea, we paid the fee,
We’ve travelled to space, we’ve won the race
But there’s more to see, but what can it be
So many questions, hardly any answers
What’s in the universe? Is there a cure for cancer?
When will it end, we all say who cares, but we can’t pretend
Can the universe bend? Do aliens have messages to send? Technologies to lend?
So many things to find, we’re all walkin around blind,
Maybe another race, another kind
Another place, an unsolved case
Questions with no answers is like tango with no dancers
Like Rudolph with no Prancer
Unsolved mysteries, untold histories,
Why are we here? Who should we fear?
These questions draw a tear
Are we doin the right thing building space station mere?
What is death? Is there a heaven?
Or is it like u were never born, you’re existence completely torn
Your presence just worn, or is there really a bright light?
Are all those holy books right? Should we put up a fight?
Would God keep us tight?
No one knows what to think, our brains sink
What are the missing links? Who really built the sphinx?
Finding answers can make a man wild, but I’ve been searchin since I was a child….


  1. Just a provocation!
    The goal of the spiritual life is to reach the other world before the death will occur.
    Try to live the life with the spectre of death every second; you will be amazed how many things you will discover about life.
    The immanence should become transcendence; this is the real achievement of human nature.

  2. That is provacative, but not at all in a negative way. I appreciate it.

    Yes, being able to channel into that realm is a great achievement.

    There are a few who have been able to truly accomplish what you have mentioned. There are also many who will ingest hallucinogens in order to achieve the transcendence that you speak of.

    Human suffering will exist whether you reach this transcendence or not. When you come back from this other world, you come back to the same reality that you were in before you left, you will witness the same human suffering. Reaching the other world will not heal your wounds permanently. From my understanding of the teachings of buddha, this fact frustrated him throughout his life.

    I'm not certain if reaching that realm is a guarantee that you will be ending the cycle, and achieving the true goal.

    Being free from human suffering, and no longer living in the illusion of being seperate from others, but rather being connected to everything at once for my opinion, this is the goal of a spiritual life.

    Either way, this goal should be a personal one, and will always evolve as you continue to grow. Every moment that passes has made me a different man with greater realizations.

    Thank you for the comment :)

  3. Anonymous, thank you for that email. I'm not sure why your comment is not showing up here, but I did receive the email. I appreciate the time you are taking to share your insights with us.

    Here are my feelings:

    I must first clarify that I do not consider myself a Buddhist, I do not consider myself to be a part of any sect, religion or specific spiritual practice. My sense of belonging is not to a word or an invented set of living guidelines, my sense of belonging is only to the creator, what most would call God. Now please, do not assume that you understand what this word signifies. Remember that words are all invented; language cannot describe what God really is. It is a feeling within, the belief in a higher power that harmoniously creates and sustains all the worlds, but again, this feeling of the existence of a higher power cannot be described with such simplistic language, this is why I choose only to describe it as a feeling within...

    I find it a little troubling that you would insult a man such as Buddha. It is important that we show respect for all those who tried to find a way to explain our existence, and to those who attempted to teach others peace of mind, humility, modesty and their own version of spirituality. It is important that we appreciate all of our ancestors who dedicated their lives to spiritual practice, with the intention to share their insights. The point is not whether they are right or wrong, the point is not the man himself, as I have said in some of my other posts; the point is not to follow the messenger, but to understand the message itself.

    Meditation is not an egotistical practice if your intentions are not clouded. Meditation and prayer are one and the same; you are offering yourself away from this existence and joining with the rest of creation with gratitude, worship, and selflessness. If this prayer/meditation brings you to that next world, then great, if not, then you mustn’t believe your practice to be wasted, as long as your intentions are not clouded.

    Your interpretation of meditation and self-realization as an egotistical practice is a misunderstanding. One must be careful when judging others intentions. It is quite difficult to judge a man’s intentions who lived 2500 years ago…I suggest that you possibly re-think this judgment.

    When I think of any religious or spiritual prophets or leaders, I do not envy or question the prophet or leader, I only listen to the message, if it resonates with the feeling of the existence within myself, then I may take this message with me and consider it as a positive teaching.

    There are those who believe their religions or spiritual practices to be absolute truth, and this is fine, as long as they do not judge others for their beliefs. To believe your truth is ok, but to judge another for his or her belief is not productive, this only leads to war, and the perpetuation of our current system depends on people who cannot accept others for their own beliefs, the system depends on divisions based on trivial disagreements. My god made you and your god made me...think clearly...

    Again, thank you for taking the time to share.

    With Love and Light

