
Friday, 29 April 2011

Comments Not Appearing on Posts

This is not an article, this is a message for those who have tried to leave comments on this blog.

For the latest Post, please click on this article The Awakening Manifesto

When you comment on the bloggers posts, you may need to try a couple of times before it appears in the comments section. Some have mentioned that they have tried to comment, but the comments do not show up on the blog.

**Rest assured that the comments are not removed by the blogger and that the blogger of Woken Soul accepts any and all comments (even spammers are welcome though your comments will be deleted).**

The blogger appreciates all who have vistited, all who continue to visit, and all who have taken the time to view more than one posting, and to comment. The blogger appreciates every single view and wants to point out that this blog has one intention only, to open minds and create discussion.

Please continue visiting, sharing and loving.

With Love

Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Awakening Manifesto - An Anonymous Letter for Woken Soul

Introduction to "Security"

 Why has it taken so long for the people of Northern Africa and the Near East to wake up and ask for government reform? Why has it taken so long for these people to start a real revolution, one that will give them the power to make their own decisions, and benefit from their lands resources? Why have they been silent for all these decades?

The answer is simple; it has taken this long because people are ruled by fear. They are controlled by fear brought on by authoritarian style rulers i. Fear brought on by huge security forces that regularly torture and humiliate anyone who dares to oppose or even write about opposing the regime in power ii. This would not be possible without the help of tools of fear. The most obvious tool is weaponry; riot gear and military toys iii. Without these tools, the “security” structure, or fear structure as I call it, would be ineffective. I won’t get into the psychological war fare used against the people, but that is just as serious as the guns and tanks being used... **Wake Up Side Note: Your governments also use psychological warfare against you on a daily basis through media and advertising; this is how they keep you asleep and unaware of the chaos that WE propagate into the world in the name of profit and national growth. Public Relations is in reality Psychological Warfare**

It is well known that most of Africa and the Near East acquire all of their weaponry from corporations that are based in more developed countries, with the support of the governments in question iv. Countries such as the US, UK, China, Iran, Russia, Germany, etc, have been dishing out multibillion dollar weapons deals to these dirty dictators. Yes, that’s right, that clean cut man wearing the suit with the American flag on his lapel is allowing weapons deals to go through to the dirty looking old man wearing the crap coloured turban sporting his tribal attire. Watch God of War to get a good glimpse of what goes on; this movie is more or less based on facts of reality…the weapons industry is out of control.

Check this table out which shows the world’s largest arms exporters v:

  • TIV of arms exports from the top 10 largest exporters, 2010-2010
  • Generated: 28 April 2011
  • Figures are SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs) expressed in US$ m. at constant (1990) prices.
  • Figures may not add up due to the conventions of rounding.
  • A '0' indicates that the value of deliveries is less than US$0.5m

For more information, see

Rank 2010-2010 Rank 2009-2009 Supplier 2010 2010-2010
1 1 USA 8641 8641
2 2 Russia 6039 6039
3 3 Germany (FRG) 2340 2340
4 6 China 1423 1423
5 5 UK 1054 1054
6 4 France 834 834
7 11 Sweden 806 806
8 10 Italy 627 627
9 7 Spain 513 513
10 9 Netherlands 503 503
Others 2208 2208
Total 24987 24987

This is absolutely unacceptable considering the fact that most of the countries in the table above publicly agree that the way that these authoritarian rulers treat their people is absolutely against human rights and international law. Let’s not assume that they have the same opinion behind closed doors, this would be naïve.

When the revolutions started in the North African and Middle Eastern countries, western governments hesitated to make any statements. At first, they decided to wait and see if the dictators were capable of suppressing the situation, frightening people enough to run back home and lock their doors, and they waited. Then, they started to see that this was not just a small number of hungry protesters, no, this was an actual revolution. The poor, middle class and rich were all involved in the uprising. At that point, with that realization and that fact being spread all over international media, they had no choice but to make statements that were compliant with Human Rights and International law. Statements such as “you must allow the people the right to peaceful protest, and any force used against the demonstrations is strongly condemned”. Some western countries even went as far as to tell the dictator that he needed to step down immediately. Of course, this was only after they realized that the dictators would not be able to squash the protests quietly (outside of international media lenses) by use of the tools of fear that were sold to them by the weapons corps backed by the governments that were making these bogus statements  vi. We are currently living in a mad world, and have been for centuries.

Disguised Policy Makers: Politics is a Dirty Business

 If you still cannot see this after all the wiki leaks that were made public in the past couple of years, then you deserve nothing more than what is coming.

Politics is not just a business; it’s a very dirty business, comparable to organized crime. Actually, it IS organized crime. Our leaders are not chosen based on capabilities of emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence vii. They are chosen based on charisma and based on how much money they can accumulate for their campaigns. It’s not surprising that the current President of the US won the elections since the contributions he received are more than double that of any other candidate viii. And guess what, the business men who are paying for these campaigns are doing so for a price. I pay for your campaign, and you run the country the way I want you to run it. Not only will you run this country the way I want, you will also run all foreign policy the way I want…it’s that simple. Is it possible that some of these politicians actually want change, positive change? Yes, it is possible, but what is not possible is for the dreams of a once emotionally intelligent politician to actually follow through with the positive change once he or she is an elected official. The business men and women who paid for the elected officials’ campaign would not allow them to break the deal, I paid for your election, and you do as I say. “Oh, you want to pass a health care plan so that all your people can afford health care? Alright, as long as there will be profit in it for me, go for it”. These vampires even try to turn a positive action into a negative outcome. Health “cares” my ass.

 Global Disarmament: Hit ‘Em Where it Hurts

 One of our biggest issues is the global arms industry which our governments are deeply involved in. Without these tools of fear enabling dictators to keep the people in check, the people would have all the power. Instead of fighting a war against drugs or terrorism, we should be fighting a war against weapons proliferation. We should be fighting a war against those business men and women who profit off of the blood of others, off of the blood of our planet. These business men and women in disguise as policy makers are merely blood sucking vampires feeding off of the blood of our brothers and sisters. And eventually, when their blood is no longer available, they will feed off of your blood. It makes me sick that people are still not waking up to this. Wake the fuck up.

Imagine if all nations, every single nation on the planet, gathered their masses under one ultimate goal, Global Disarmament. Imagine what that would do to the millionaires and billionaires, they would shit their pants, and their true natures would be revealed to the masses. This is something that needs to happen, and it will only happen if people like you wake the fuck up, and then once you’re woken the fuck up, you can wake other people up. This is the only way, it’s a start. Conventional weapons are only used for one reason, to deter people who have weapons, and this involves killing, murdering innocent people in the process of defending oneself from people who are claiming to defend themselves. It makes no sense. Weapons only continue to exist because of greed, corruption and profit.

You cannot end darkness with more darkness; this has never worked, not ever in the history of human kind. Darkness will only be perpetuated if we use their means to fight them. Taking up arms against an enemy will only benefit the one who is selling you those arms. There is no gain in violence, only loss of life. Fighting them by their means is foolish.

Ernesto Guevara, the Argentinian born revolutionary, had many times explained why he believed violent uprisings were the only way for a people’s revolution against oppression to succeed. He also stated many times that peaceful negotiations were not out of the question. Che knew that violent uprising was dangerous, but what he didn’t realise was that violent uprising only served the oppressor; the people cannot fight the oppressors with the same tools they use to oppress, they will only be strengthened by those whose interests lie in profits and business deals. Bobby Sands, the IRA revolutionary, who died while in prison on a hunger strike, had the right idea; unfortunately, he did not have mass support. Times have changed, people are more aware, interconnectedness is a tangible reality.

Someone has developed the idea for a third intifada in Palestine. In my opinion, this is NOT a good idea. We know that this will not accomplish anything positive. We know that the use of force will not be limited against the Palestinian people. We know that loss of life on both sides will be inevitable. A third intifada would be useless and would only benefit the ones who prosper from innocent human blood. A third intifada would give the oppressor more excuses to kill, more validation as victims, and more international acceptance of forced occupation. A third intifada is going backwards in any sort of peace, not forward.

Rather than fight them with the same tools, fight them with the strongest weapon of all; Love. HAHA, yes, laugh; laugh at the concept that love conquers all. What you need to realize is that this concept is absolute truth. Stand strong with Love. The keyboard is mightier than the automatic rifle. If the masses gathered and demanded for justice, they would have to eventually comply. It would not be an instant victory, and I`m not saying that people will not suffer, but it is the only way to bring about a permanent change. Fighting with weapons will not change anything. Look at the outcome in Libya so far, they picked up weapons, and now they are being massacred. NATO jumps in to lend a hand, yet this is not to the interest of the people. Don’t be fooled by the reasoning of justice and world peace that these countries feed you, don’t be swayed by their heroic undertones. It is all for one reason; Profits, whether it be in natural resources, weapons manufacturing, rebuilding contracts, etc. If these “heroes” actually cared about human life, equality, democracy and freedom, then they would have helped the hundreds of other countries around the globe that are ruled by dictators in oppressive regimes. We must stop our governments from perpetuating these brutal acts. Stand strong, demand for change, do not attack, do not raise a finger, use your voice, stand together, stand as one, scream, yell, but do not raise a finger, demand for justice and equality, demand that they disarm, demand for unity, show them that Light can overcome the darkness that has swallowed our planet. Use your weapon of mass production, use Love; use the united Love.

Imperialism is of the old world, of the old order. Healthy competition is the only way for the masses to benefit. Tribes within nations at war must be disarmed. I understand that even if the proliferation of weapons is stopped, people will still find a way to kill each other, but at least the means will not be so devastating, we cannot just make excuses anymore, it has gone on for too long…Materialistic attachments to land must be seen as dangerous and destructive, land is not owned by one nation, but is part of the global world, to be discussed in a World Court, whose appointees are chosen by the people of each given nation. Ancient structures must be questioned and seen as global treasures rather than national treasures.

Many will die in this process of change towards a new world; many will be labelled martyrs, but not martyrs to their nation, martyrs to a global cause. Egypt proved to us that true power is in numbers. The key is for the media to be on our side, the key is for the media to stand behind the people and to break the pattern of backing up the powers that be. The media needs to break free from the old world, and join us in the new.

The illusion is that money is power, but that is bullshit, money means nothing if we do not give it value. Unity is not man made, money is man-made. Unity is power, money is bullshit. United we can stand, divided we have fallen. People say every day that the world is such a crazy place, yet you do nothing about it. People watch news every day and ignore the reality that there are hundreds of millions suffering every day because of greed and corruption, indirectly, we are to blame. Whether it be from starvation or war crimes (all wars are crimes), the underlying cause is the same. We are guilty because we are silent. We are guilty because we know that it doesn’t have to be this way. We are guilty because we do not unite.

The campaign that has started in Libya is just the beginning of a more chaotic world, especially if we allow it to get out of hand. The flexing of muscle by western nations needs to stop. It is dangerous and will lead only to more war, more destruction, and more death. We let them get away with Afghanistan and Iraq, and look at those countries now, why would we just stand by and watch them ravage another country? Countries in Africa have been fighting their dictators for years, and the allies have never jumped in to “protect” the people of those African nations, what makes Libya any different? If you cannot see now that they are NOT protectors, they are only opportunists; you are really not paying attention. They preach justice and freedom yet they drop bombs on innocent civilians on a regular basis. They have done so in Afghanistan, and in Iraq, and now they test their new hi tech weaponry in Libya, next is Syria, then Iran…These countries are like giant testing grounds for them, and the loss of life is just a side note, not even a side note, it is completely disregarded. They back stab the leaders of those countries who they have supported for decades; they betray their loyalties because they see opportunity. Many say that what they are doing is needed; the rebels need help against the tyrant in Libya. I can agree, but at the same time, I am very weary of the outcome. I do not believe that the use of force was absolutely necessary; I do not believe that the allies would have entered into this battle with nothing to gain; we see this time and time again. The allies only enter when there is profit. Remember that we as humans rarely collectively learn from our mistakes, remember that the last world war came during an economic recession, remember that our current system depends on war as an economic booster, especially a world war…let us awaken before it is too late…this system is corrupt, this system is destructive, this system needs to collapse so that we could all start afresh.

Demanding Change: United We Stand

 We need to demand for things to change. We need to unite globally and have global demands, a list that can be added to by peaceful global revolutionaries who believe in equality, freedom, justice and ultimately, true freedom and peace in a new world.

I have started a list, and I urge you to start your own. When the time is right, we will bring our demands together, I guarantee you that most of what has been written on your list of demands will match that of others around the globe, the collective mind must act now.


Monday, 25 April 2011

Paths Cross, Intersect, Connect ,Merge - The Key is Appreciation and Acceptance

Every single one of us has a path, every individual living thing has its own path, the ones who can recognize their path are few and far between, but it’s possible, and these people are usually the ones who find true happiness…

Paths twist and turn, paths split, and paths cross. If paths cross, then this means the paths can connect at a certain point. It's possible for these two individual paths to cross once and never again, to cross for long periods of time, or to cross multiple times, but is it not also possible that two paths can cross, connect and then join? The path then becomes wide enough for two individuals rather than one to move freely along, living, learning, changing and loving, together, on two paths joined as one. The whole time, insuring that the path never becomes too narrow.

This joined path is what I can consider as meeting the one, this path that has no limitations, no jealousy, no regret. A path that will sustain both individuals. A path that connects and joins but never comes to a dead end, a joined path that is never defined by marriage or terms that society has invented.

I believe every single human being has this possibility, and I would not call it luck. It is up to us to recognize and to believe, because the moment we stop believing that there is a one, is the moment where we decide that we do not want the one…

I have met many who were on the verge of giving up, or who have already given up, and this has made me sad for them, for they only lose hope because of a lack of patience, or an allowance of past experiences to judge the rest. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by our own judgements based on past experiences, we will not grow, and we will rarely broaden our horizons. We must accept the pain from our pasts, learn from the pain, love the pain, and then leave it in the past, where it belongs. Bringing these pains forward into your newly experienced moments will not benefit you, nor will it benefit your path.

You do your best to live, not survive, but live. You live your experiences, they become a part of your memory, you are your memory, and you base your present and sometimes future judgments on those experiences. You become your memories. It’s limiting, and it weakens the potential of living life. We must learn to let go, empty your cup as often as possible, unpack that luggage, stick around for a while and enjoy the moments. Stop being a judge, stop judging yourself and projecting that judgment on to others, your loved one, your closest allies. Be aware of these projections, and know that you are judging the person in front of you as a reflection of your own self. Let go, enjoy your surroundings, appreciate these moments and learn from them. Understand that there may be pain, but the pain will only become suffering if you judge the pain. If you accept the pain, and appreciate what you are experiencing, you will surely grow from the experience, and you will rarely, if ever, be negatively affected.

Accept your path for what it is and where it is leading you. Accept those who visit you on your path, accept those who cross and continue on, accept those who stick around, accept those who want to join, just accept, appreciate, and let go...

With Love


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

A Short Reminder of Appreciation

A Life lived with conscious appreciation of all that surrounds us is a life lived in joy. To be able to look at the sky in wonder and awe, no matter what the weather forecast, is to appreciate the wonder and awe of life. To look at a tree and smile at the tree with love and appreciation is to love and appreciate life.

I have always appreciated my surroundings. I have walked out of a building, after being indoors all day, and stopped as soon as I stepped outside. I looked up at the sky, and I smiled at the sun. This is to appreciate. I believe that if every single one of us can appreciate these moments, stress, unhappiness, disappointment, hate, and all the other earthly fear emotions will disappear, slowly, but surely…and will be replaced with Love. To appreciate is to love.

I have been disappointed; yet I have learned to let go of the disappointment and the attachment to it, by appreciating what is around me. Attachments become unimportant and cease to exist when you can consciously accept and appreciate the splendour and greatness of creation.

I dare you to try it. The next time you’re feeling down, or something that you have no control over has rendered you unhappy, leave where you are, go for a walk, or simply look out your window. Look up at the sky, and smile at the sun, know that it is smiling back at you, know that the creator of all is smiling back at you, know that this moment of happiness is shared, and know that you are not alone. Take it all in and appreciate what your eyes are allowing you to see, allow your soul to see it, remember not to allow your mind  to block your soul from appreciating these views and these moments…This is a promise to you, it may not seem like its making any difference, but it will, if you can truly appreciate it, and accept it, you will cure your own unhappiness…naturally, and without the help of anything other than what has been created by the ultimate creator of all.

To appreciate creation is to appreciate yourself.

With Love

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Late Night Love Affair

Words cannot describe the feeling that arises when gazing at her splendour.

My love for her is both unconditional and eternal.

My connection to her is undeniable.

The skies light up in her presence.

She comforts me like nothing else can.

She gives me hope when the sun stops shining.

She gives me strength when the darkness takes over.

Even when she is blue, she is still the most beautiful sight.

Every time I look at her, I get shivers up and down my spine.

If it weren’t for her, nothing would exist in my life.

If it weren’t for her, darkness would engulf my world every night.

I appreciate her more than anyone can imagine.

At night, when I look out my window, I see her gazing back at me.

Her eyes shining,

Her smile beaming...

Her gaze dances in every dark filled room.

She is the Moon, and I love her.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Stopping the De-Evolution of the Mind

Written November 2009

The world seems to be falling into a deep trance. I don’t know about you but it seems as though many of us are waiting for something to happen, something to change. The need for a change seems to be getting stronger everyday. We see documentaries about everything that is wrong with the world and the people who inhabit it and we say things like “I can’t believe people do that!” or “ what’s this world coming to!” yet we continue living our lives the way we do without actually acting on anything. This is the trance, the bubble that keeps us all in check. We know things are wrong; things are bad, yet we believe that there is nothing we can do to change things. And we are right; there is nothing we can do, except for one thing.

Allow me to elaborate.

Before we can make any real changes, any tangible changes, we need to first look at ourselves. If you can look at yourself, and your life, and confidently say that you are in tune with reality and spirituality, then you are ready to help change things. I know that most of us are so far from reality and spirituality that we are practically living in a fairy tale, in a world of illusions. We see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We are lead to believe that when we experience stress or depression it’s ok to pop some pills and move on. But it’s not ok, we experience these feelings because something huge is missing in our lives, none of us are complete as long as we ignore reality and spirituality.

We have disconnected ourselves from the universe; we have become alien to our own planet. We don’t recognize it and it makes us uncomfortable and it doesn’t recognize us and it becomes defensive; it being the energy or nature that attaches us all to the universe and to each other.

I believe that we all have been experiencing de-evolution of the mind which in turn has imprisoned our spirits. Distractions have taken over our society. These distractions are insuring our path to a meaningless existence. This thought is troubling to say the least. I believe that our minds have undergone a process of shutdown to reality. If we continue this way, the complete shutdown will result in a society where no one can think for himself or herself, and our minds become completely useless, disabling any potential that our spirits can attain.

If you look at ancient societies you will notice that there seemed to be a deeper connection to the spiritual world, a belief that our life on this planet is in conjunction with a great energy that is present in our universe. These ancient peoples were able to channel into this energy with ease because the distractions that exist today did not exist then. How can our spirits evolve if material objects that are meaningless in the greater scheme of the universe always distract us? How can we grow or evolve if we are lead to believe that our evolution is based on material gain and technology? We are lead to believe that the more we attain, the better off we are, but this is without truth. The more material we gain, the more distracted we become, therefore not allowing our minds to connect to what is truly meaningful, the spiritual world.

We tend to associate spirituality with fiction, which is a major problem. We have well known, apparently intelligent people everywhere denouncing religion or dharma, when in reality; they should be denouncing the lack of spirituality brought on by distractions. If we continue on this path, we will eventually lead ourselves to destruction.

I am truly worried about this world, I want to help change things, I want to give all that I have to give, I have been dedicating a large portion of my life to spiritual growth, I also believe that it is my duty to point out our dangerous path of destruction, and try to spark debate so that we can possibly come to a solution or at least a better understanding of this trance like feeling.

Ask yourself this question “Am I happy with what I have? If I am happy with what I have, would I be unhappy without it? Does what I have make other people happy? Does what I have make this world a better place? Does what I have bring me closer to reality, or does it bring me further from it?” This is just the tip of the iceberg. I believe that most of you will probably be able to make yourselves believe that you are happy, but I promise you that if you answer those questions with pure honesty, with your ego set aside, you will be surprised and disappointed.

Material gain is what we are molded to want, spiritual gain is not important in our society and I want to know why…can anyone tell me why?? Do any of you truly believe that we are evolving by distancing ourselves from spirituality? Do any of you truly believe that the material gain that we all strive for is essential for our growth?

I for one have been able to personally answer some of these questions. I have toys, I like gadgets, I carry my "smartphone" everywhere I go, I own gaming consoles, I have a flat screen tv with all kinds of useless channels, I own a closet full of designer clothing, I spoil myself with expensive cologne that is probably not good for me, I own things that I thought would make me happy. But in reality, all these things do is distract me from true growth and spiritual connection, it creates a dependency, it enables a lack of compassion and it enhances jealousy. How can any of these things be useful? How can any of these things help my own personal evolution, the answer is simple, it is not useful and it cannot help me evolve, on the contrary, these things are useless, and it stops me from truly evolving, the problem is, I am already attached to these material gains, my cup is full and it needs to be emptied. This is a long and painful process; the molding needs to be broken.

Update April 2011: I do not preach that you must get rid of all your belongings, I do not think that we are all on the same exact path. Though  I do believe that certain materials that we consume through the mouth, eyes or ears can be negative and distracting and can pull us away from our maximum potentials. I believe that there are certain man made creations that can have a lasting negative effects on our minds, our bodys and ultimately, our souls. As of March of 2010 I got rid of the majority of my elements of distraction, such as my television and gaming consoles. I have also made the conscious choice to switch all my grooming products to natural non chemical products (deodorants, soaps, moisturizers, etc.). I have not eaten red meat in 8 months (I lie, I cracked twice) and am in the process of cutting out all other meat products. Learning the negative effects of certain foods have pushed me to make these changes and I intend to learn and change more, to fill my body and soul with what it needs rather than what it has been molded to want.. I started to meditate and practice different classical forms of yoga; this has curbed my stress and frustrations of daily societal life, which in turn has brought forth an immense clarity and has cured endless days of stomach issues (related to the consumption of red meat?) and headaches. I reconnected to what I love to do; activities such as squash, cooking, kayaking, writing, playing musical instruments, hiking and more...this has enabled a form of permanent happiness, a joy de vivre, a way to release positive energy back into the universe...

The changes are enormous, inside my body, on the surface of my body; my mind is experiencing clarity and so much has grown positively since these changes have taken place...I want to live as a conscious human being connected to everything within and without...

Why am I telling you this?: I tell you this because I've lately spoken to so many people who are in a state where they want to change, they want to let go and become what they know they deserve, but they do not...I still struggle, I still have many things to let go of. I walk with one foot on the path and one foot off, but this is a journey, and I know that I need to jump fully onto the path and continue on, and I will, and I am...We need to be here for each other, we need to support each other. If you love yourself, help someone else as well to love themself, if you see that the person is teetering on and off the path, help them, for they need to be reminded, just as you need to be reminded, we need to remind each other. Everyone grows and changes at their own pace, but this does not mean that we cannot help each other realize where we are, and where we really want to be...Ultimately, it is up to you, just as it was ultimately up to me, though I must admit, there was a push, an outside force, a validation of sorts...some need that, and some don't, please, do not be afraid to ask for help. We are all here for each other; we are simply all connected to one another. Helping someone else is the same as helping yourself. Positivity and vitality will be perpetuated into the reality that we have ignored until now...



Monday, 11 April 2011

A Tribute to Mr. K

It’s difficult for many of us not to complain about such trivial events or situations. It is difficult for many of us to realize that what we have is so precious.

It is difficult for many to understand that every breath we take is a breath that we should appreciate and every beat of your heart is a beat that should be cherished.

We forget about how grateful we should be of every blink of an eye

The feeling of cool rain drops hitting your skin

The smell of a fresh season on its way

The sound of birds chirping in the early morning

The feeling of warm sunshine hitting your cheeks

The smell of a familiar scent that brings memories surging forward

The sound of a favourite tune that allows your soul to reminisce

The feeling of a gentle caress from a lover

The taste of fresh water to quench your thirst

The feeling of comfort and relaxation when lying in bed after a long day

These moments can be appreciated to the fullest extent and beyond, with consciousness

These moments can bring a permanent form of bliss and happiness

It is difficult to recognize these moments if we are distracted by trivial situations and events.

It is difficult to appreciate these gifts when we concentrate on what we want rather than what we already have

Life is fragile; life is lived for these moments of gratitude.

The creator of all that is has given us the gift of free choice

The creator of all that is within and without has given us the gift of appreciation

The creator of all that breaths and all that beats has given us the opportunity to love endlessly

Love the creator, love yourself, love others…for one day, you will feel your last raindrop fall on your forehead, your eyes will see its last sunrise and sunset, you will smell your last winter, you will hear your last song, you will taste your last cup of water, you will feel your last caress from your lover…appreciate every moment, for life is fragile…the soul is eternal, but remember, this physical life is finite…

A person on the planet is losing someone close to them every second…appreciate your surroundings, appreciate who is beside you, for you never know when you will no longer be blessed with their presence…

With Love


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Power as ONE

Partially written September 2008
Completed April 2011

The world needs to be purified from the old ways of power and control. Old ways, old systems, old politics, old corporate ties, the old mentality, all need to be thrown out…the wise generations, the ones with light must unite and usher in the new.

The structure needs to evolve to a place where power is no longer in the hands of a few. Power belongs to every single individual and can be shared collectively. The new generations must not lead with fear, but with love.

Honorable, just, equal, fair, balanced, intellectually and emotionally intelligent, selfless; this is how we will describe the new generation of our collective leadership.

We have realized that exploitation, dominance, greed, corruption and self interest without limitation has only lead to war, terrorism, revolution, death, destruction, loss of innocent lives, creation of upper and lower classes, poverty, starvation, disease, sexism and many other inhumane and unnatural catastrophes. We have realized that a biased and ignorant belief in institutionalized religion only leads to conflict, racism, and misjudgment and has been the cause of many wars and ongoing conflicts. We understand that prophetic belief causes one to force change in a manner that is not necessarily true or fair. We see now that a people can be moved and swayed psychologically, by ways of propaganda, religious fervor, and again by past prophetic beliefs. We know that control by visible force causes revolts, but we also know control by hidden force can be just as dangerous, to the point where terror is breaded, manufactured, born, raised, and used against each other.

It is time for the new generation to lead without ways of control, but with reason, equality, spirituality, and with a true understanding that all living things can prosper from such a balanced global society.

We must stop the proliferation of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction. We must crack down on those who consume us all with their greed and lack of compassion. Those who prosper from destruction need to be weeded out. How can one be considered a just participant, an equal human being, in an international global society if he or she lives off of the blood of others? Whether it is indirectly or directly, these people need to be seen as vampires, monsters who prey on every living thing.

If you can consider yourself to be a person who disagrees with inequality, injustice, collateral damage, destruction for profit, then you must consider those who prosper from innocent blood as murderers, rapists, serial killers, and they should be dealt with accordingly.

Don’t be fooled by the suit and tie, don’t be fooled by their kind words, and don’t be fooled by the artificial bright lights. We have learned time and time again that they lie openly and willingly. We have developed an understanding of false promises and political agendas that are based on bottom lines and selfish gains; it is now decipherable to more and more people. Their appearance is much more than a deception, it is an immense illusion, and it is quickly falling apart.

Justice is not just a word in a dictionary that can be used in court when a person commits a crime, justice is not a word that was invented for just one or two states, nor was it created for a chosen people; justice is a moral and ethical evolution of humanity, a word that should and can be used for every situation in our global society. Eventually, justice will no longer be a part of our vocabulary because injustice will be eradicated. As Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher stated “If it were not for injustice, men would not know justice.”

We need to re-educate the educated and educate the uneducated, every mind and soul can be shown the true and rightful path, and those who do not want to change, will eventually dissolve into the majority. The majority rules and the majority are ready for true freedom. The majority want to be on the Light side of things….

Love others as you should love your self, live for others as you live for your self, give to others as you give to your self. Your self is for the other as well, and your self will be complete with the other. Unite as ONE.

With Love

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Awakening 2 - Divine Knowledge

Written April 2nd 2011

We will accept what we have become and this acceptance will bring us to our divine destiny. Upon this acceptance, we will recognize our true potential.

History as we know it has been taught to be repetitive. There are those who lead and those who follow. Human beings from the very beginning have always been influenced by elements that are outside themselves. These elements have lead many civilizations to complete destruction. At many different points in our history, there have been a small minority of beings who were able to reflect and find the truth that lies within every living entity. These beings spent much of their breath teaching and spreading their realizations of this universal truth. The divine knowledge was bestowed upon them and they in turn translated the knowledge to those who were willing to listen. After many attempts, the divine knowledge is either forgotten by the followers or lost in translation. For many, following is not dependant on a true understanding of the divine knowledge, but a development of a belief system due to a possible lack of any previous system; it becomes what we call following blind. The divine knowledge becomes mortal and is turned into tradition and habit. The original truths of the enlightened beings become lost and misunderstood…

Access to knowledge in the distant past was minimal. Now, with the present that we are experiencing, we have the access at our fingertips, literally. Yet, so many continue to be distracted…

We are now able to accumulate knowledge and then reflect on the accumulation. This reflection will bring you to the truth that lies within. Once the truth becomes more visible, your heart and mind then opens up to the possibility of accepting the divine knowledge.

Once you begin to break free from the prison that has been built around your heart and your mind, you will be subjected to an enormous amount of possibilities. Emotions are high for a given time, but when you are able to balance and accept, everything becomes light and clarity becomes permanent.

We are at a time when more people than ever before in the history of human kind are awakening to the truth being our limitless potential.

Vibrations are high, and everything around us is changing. We try to explain these changes, through science and through theories. The reality is that whether or not we can explain these changes, the changes will not stop and they are inevitable. We need to accept the changes, and prepare ourselves using the endless amount of accumulated knowledge. We need to finally come together, to recognize our similarities and accept the differences that have been created over thousands of years of ignoring who we truly are. History will not repeat itself.

We have an opportunity to make it all right. We have a duty to fulfill our destiny. Start your journey, tap into the divine knowledge, and we will all usher in the new age collectively.

With Love