
Monday, 2 May 2011

As Requested - USama is Dead

My head has been pounding all weekend. It stopped this morning…I woke up, and heard the “news” that the President of Uncle Sam announced late last night…

The man is dead, he has been killed, and somehow, the world is a safer place. A safer place because one man is dead…How much power did they actually believe this man to have? To make such a statement, that terrorism is going to end because of the death of one man who was already on the verge of dying, is to basically call every single person listening a moron…Is it possible that the powers that be are calling you ignorant and foolish, are they assuming that you are gullible and will fall for anything because you stand for nothing?

Our planet is in a better state today because a man that was trained and funded by an entity has been killed by the same entity…I feel nauseous when making this statement...

The man is dead, he has been killed, and somehow, chaos will end. Chaos will end because we no longer need to worry about the man with the kidney disorder who travels from cave to cave, somehow ordering people to carry out terrorist attacks all around our safe planet. Do you truly believe that our planet is safe because the powers that be make our planet safe? I leave that for you to answer...

Does Uncle Sam and the powers that be truly believe that the global population is this naïve?  No, they do not…this was done for an entirely different purpose…Political tactic, distraction, propaganda…ritualistic practice,…the reasons are much deeper than I can truly understand, but if you think logically, you will see that there is a deeper reason, reasons that will not be known, not yet…

Is it a coincidence that Hitler’s death was announced on the same day 66 years ago? Is it a coincidence that yesterday’s month added to the day equals to 6? Wait a minute, does that somehow make 666? Yes it does, may mean nothing, but if you think in terms of numerology, it means a lot.

Numbers mean a lot more than we think, we take it for granted, and the powers that be take advantage of this knowledge…

Now, since I do not want to give too much of my energy to this “news”, I will make this short. There are two things I want to put forward.

1- Do not try to force people to wake up to these tactics; awakening is not forced on people, it is realised by people. You are where you are and all you have to do is be grateful. Have no pity for those who do not see, for the creator has blinded them for a reason. We are not here to judge ourselves nor are we here to judge others.

2- Let us not be swayed by their rituals. Let us be aware that these announcements are for a deeper purpose. Let us not participate in the drama that they create. Observe, educate, and move on. Do not allow these statements to get under your skin, your energy is extremely important, and your energy should not be given to the powers that be…Keep your energy for yourself, for others who need it and ultimately for the true creator. Appreciate your days, every day, every moment. Take your energy back, meditate, pray, appreciate and love.

I am not asking you to pretend that these things do not exist, I only suggest that you try not to stress about it, and dont stress about people who are not seeing what is truly there, for they will wake up when it is their time. And the time draws closer with every moment…

With Love


  1. Once again you have managed to make your observations both poetic, and informative. For this I say thank you...

  2. Best of all is what you said... "I do not want to give too much of my energy to this." :-) exactly... don't feed the beast!

  3. Thank you P.L...We say it like we see it...

    Dina, yes, this is something that we must understand. Something that I have personally had trouble with, and still struggle with. Not letting these "new developments" distract us from our own personal growth is not an easy task, though I do see the advantage of not allowing it to consume ones mind...paying attention is ok, as long as a line is drawn early on...

    thanks for the comment Dina :)
