
Friday, 23 March 2012

The River is Calling

Knowing what lies ahead is sometimes frustrating. Seeing what will come in a blur, yet feeling what will come with certainty can be confusing. Feeling what will come then pushes me to see what I have been ignoring…

We sometimes ignore the subtle signs given to us. We sometimes feel that we may be losing our minds when making connections, connecting the dots.

If I follow the signs, which I do most of the time, I continue to grow and learn about things that I would otherwise overlook. My advice to anyone out there who understands what I am trying to convey, follow the signs, and you will notice a flow, a synchronicity of events…Nothing can stop the flow once it starts. Though be careful of ignorance and distractions. Be careful that you do not get pushed away from the flow, for many out there will not understand what you speak of when you speak of following the guides…don’t let them steer you away.

Even if you do remove yourself from the flow for a little bit, don’t worry, it continues, and you can jump right back in at any time. The signs and the guides do not judge, they only wait for an answer, a yes or a no, they do not understand grey areas, maybes, not sure…It's simply yes or no…

You must make sure it is clear to the guides what your intentions are. This way, signs will appear in abundance, and you will be able to go with the flow with ease…Obstacles will become nothing more than tiny whirlpools in the flow that can easily be avoided, or even used to give you a boost up the flow…

If you stop going with the flow, it is as if you have taken a break, and are resting on the shores of’s as if you are deciding stop and set up camp, pitch a tent, roll out the sleeping bag….but there will come a point when your soul will need to keep moving again, and you will leave everything, and dive back into the flow…continuing on your journey…until you arrive at home, wherever that may be…

I have been camped out for long enough, and I must soon dive back in, for the river is calling my soul...

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