There is only one path to clarity.
The path will not be found by following what others teach. The path will not appear for one who relies on others to show the way. Be weary of those who claim to know truth and groups who claim to be "higher" than others. Beware of people who label themselves. Take everything with a grain of salt.
There is surely a battle for the mind. Whether this is done by outside powers purposely or not is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is to insure that the mind is not owned by anything other than the entity that the mind is directly in connection with. Your mind is your souls mind; your heart is your soul’s heart. Insure that these are not sabotaged for whatever reason, and by trusting your gut, trusting your internal knowledge, you will protect yourself from outside influence.
Confusion runs rampant. So much information, so many are claiming this or that truth. There is only so much claiming of truth that one can handle. We are fed up of being fed what others believe as truth. We must awaken to the reality of universal knowledge; the library is open and waiting for all to enter. If you want truth, we cannot teach you, we can only urge you to look within yourself; we can only present you with the option to find truth in self- reflection, deep understanding of who you are. Why do you behave as you do? Be honest with yourself. Why are you here? What is your purpose? How can you reach the fullest potential, as intended? What is right and wrong, is it universal? These questions have answers that are universal, they are found in almost every spiritual and religious practice. These answers are also found within, every single one of us hold these answers. It is NOT a coincidence that every messenger, every prophet, every genuine spiritual attained come to the similar, if not identical answers through deep meditation, self-reflection, self-observation…it is the connection to the same source, it is universal knowledge, and this knowledge can be attained by every single one of us.
Before we can understand what was intended, before we can see unity, real unity, not the illusion of oneness that is fed to us, but actual unity, no hierarchy, no leadership necessary, before this can be a reality, we must understand ourselves individually, and we must strive to evolve from our state of “natural born sinner”.
We always pass blame. We say that the planet is the way it is because it cannot be any other way, impossible for anything other than what we see. We claim original sin, or that it is not possible for all humans to change the way that we were created. Does this not all sound like a way to not take responsibility for the current status of our system, a system that clearly enables all the deadly sins that are preached in the same faiths that preach original sin? Do we also do this on a smaller scale? We blame everyone else for our misfortunes; this is why most of us have issues solving personal problems, because we rarely take full responsibility. We must grow up, and take responsibility; we must evolve, and rid ourselves of the old ways of thinking. The bubble is almost gone, but it lingers...
I am an idealist, I do not bother with statements such as “that’s not possible” or “it cannot be changed”, for if I can think this way, then surely, others do as well, that my friend, is reality.
I am not equal to God, for God is my creator, and the creator of all. The created cannot be greater than the creator. God is not above me, God is not below me, nor is God beside me, God is not seperate from me at all...God is within me. For when we say "In God we trust", we are also saying, "In ourselves we trust".
WIth Love